Connect with us by filling out your information to discuss your specific needs and get a free quote for the service you require. Of course, we protect our customer’s rights and ensure maximum security.
Contact us to resolve any query about our services or the products we use. We want you to know that we value your judgment and make an effort to answer any questions you may have.
Visit your nearest Tintix branch and wash your worries away. Your convenience is our priority.
Fri - Wed: 8:45 AM - 7:45 PM
Closed Thursday
We aim to provide the best customer service and encourage our visitors to relay their concerns to our trained and installers who recommend the most suitable solution that covers all your needs.
Main Office
103 Technology Ct STE C
Brentwood, CA , 94513
Telephone: 925 261 7111
Brentwood PPF & Ceramic coating Branch
103 Technology Ct, Suite I, Brentwood CA 94513
Fri – Wed
8:30 AM – 7:30 PM
Closed Thursday